Sunday, August 9, 2020

Gold and karats, I buy gold evaluation

The easiest way to get a used gold valuation, perhaps in order to resell your old jewels to get immediate liquidity is to go to a gold shop.

However, before doing this, it is advisable both to know the gold price in general and also, more specifically, to get an idea about the value of your used jewels.

 Read Also: Sell your scrap silver and raise some cash

For this purpose it is necessary to make a distinction between the valuation of used or worked gold , which is that contained in precious jewels and which, as is well known, never occurs in pure form, and the price of the gold itself, which instead it is always referred to pure 24 carat gold.

The official price of gold , easily available in trade newspapers or on many specialized online sites including those of the same gold-buying shops, represents the reference basis for commercial transactions relating to the precious metal.

However, as already mentioned, it refers only to pure 24 carat gold which is mainly found in the form of ingots, nuggets or straws.

On the other hand, all the gold contained in precious objects, such as jewelry, coins , watches, bracelets or medals, is not pure as it contains parts of other metals.

The purity of gold is expressed in carats or in titles.

Its maximum value is 24 carats which corresponds to a title of 999.99: this means that pure gold contains 999.99 grams of gold for every 1000 grams of alloys.

The price of gold, as it is set internationally at the table of the Bullion Market Association in London, represents the maximum gold price, which is that which refers, in fact, to the precious metal in its pure form and which, of course, is quite different. What compared to the used gold quotation.

The gold used, or worked if you prefer, has in fact a lower carat which, at best, never exceeds 18 carats.

Since the carat, unit of measurement of the purity of gold , weighs 41.67 thousandths of a gram, it follows that an 18-karat jewel has 750 thousandths of a gram of gold per thousand grams of alloy: in practice a similar jewel, which is precisely a title 750, is composed for 75% of gold and for the remaining 25% of other alloys, such as silver, cobalt, copper, and so on.

In the same way, a 12-carat jewel, which will have 500 thousandths of grams of gold per thousand of alloy, will be a title of 500 and, consequently, will be composed of half gold and half of other metals.

In this regard it must be said that most of the gold worked of national origin is around 18 carats, while 14 carat gold distinguishes the bulk of the sell gold coming from United Kingdom.

It is possible to know in advance, and with sufficient approximation, the value of the precious gold objects that you intend to bring to sell at a gold shop.

The gold carat in fact, made explicit by the punching, is engraved on the same jewels within a rhombus.

It is also possible to consult online the prices of gold , even used and worked, in a simple and fast way, since most of the sites in the sector, including those of the same shops I buy gold and metal banks, usually indicate the various gold prices divided, in fact, by carat.

Simply multiplying, therefore, the price of gold thus found by its weight (to know which a domestic scale is enough) you can have an idea, approximate but useful for avoiding nasty surprises when evaluating at the store I buy gold , of what can be obtained in cash from the sale of their jewels.

Once this is done, your precious objects can be taken to a trusted gold shop to have them evaluated. Of course, it is advisable to ensure that it is an authorized gold buyer (the authorization number must be displayed visible in the shop) and that each operation takes place in an atmosphere of maximum transparency and legality.

With regard to transparency, it is advisable, for example, that the weighing operations take place on sight, while it is good to know that the shopkeeper must proceed with the issue of a receipt relating to the purchase of the precious items, in addition the seller must have a document identity.


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